By John Helmer, Moscow
Nicholas Bailey (lead image), the Wiltshire county police sergeant who was a support player in the British Government’s first Novichok attack on the Kremlin, has demanded money for himself with the threat that if he doesn’t get it, and soon, he will go to the High Court in London. There, he is threatening to tell everything he knows about the alleged poisoning of Sergei and Yulia Skripal on March 4, 2018. That was one of the makings of the promotion of Prime Minister Boris Johnson, and the fattening of the pockets of the MI6 intelligence agency and the Cabinet Office. It was the prequel of the second Novichok attack on the Kremlin, staged by Alexei Navalny last August, in which he demanded to become president of Russia.
If Bailey tells the truth about the fabrications in his case, will he trigger the downfall of the British government, the outgoing German government, MI6 , CIA, the German secret service BND, the German Army laboratory in Munich, the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) in The Hague, everyone else who believes the Novichok story; and put a stop to the allied war against Russia?
In stakes as mighty as these, how much money can Bailey’s silence be worth?
Bailey and his lawyer, Patrick Maguire and their publicity agent Peter Davies, aren’t blackmailing anybody, according to the British Theft Act, Section 21. They are demanding money with menaces, yes, but in their defence they think they have “reasonable grounds” for doing this:

Source: https://www.legislation.gov.uk/ukpga/1968/60/section/21 For more on the British prosecutors’ view of blackmail, the evidence required, and the defences in law, read this.

Top, Nick and Sarah Bailey. Bottom, Patrick Maguire from his law firm website; Peter Davies from the Sugar PR website.
Bailey’s hometown newspaper, Salisbury Journal, first reported the Bailey family effort to get more money for his pension in December. His wife appeared to be making the running. Then at the start of this week, the newspaper reported that “lawyers acting for the former officer lodged the case against Kier Pritchard, the chief constable of Wiltshire Police, at the High Court earlier this month.”

Source: https://www.salisburyjournal.co.uk
“The personal injury claim, filed under ‘accidents at work’, comes after Mr Bailey’s wife Sarah tweeted last December that he was still ‘fighting for part of his pension’.”
The implied threat is that Bailey will testify in open court to exactly what happened during the Skripal incident in the city centre at four in the afternoon of the fateful Sunday, three years ago; what took place when Bailey says he went later that night to the Skripal house; and then what happened when Bailey was reportedly recovering in Salisbury Hospital. For the full story, read the book.
For the most recent analysis of the story Bailey has been telling so far, read Rob Slane’s report of March 4, 2021. Slane’s summary: “It is exactly three years since one of the most absurd yarns of modern times was spun just a few stone’s throws from where I live. The official narrative of the alleged poisoning of Sergei Skripal was so patently ridiculous and full of holes, that I remain amazed at how anyone could have been taken in by it…That Detective Sergeant Nicholas Bailey managed to be a first responder at the bench when the two Russians were on it, at the same time as not being at the bench when the two Russians were on it. (IMPOSSIBLE). That Mr Bailey entered Mr Skripal’s house via the back door, because he couldn’t open the front door; but also managed to enter the house via the front door because he was able to open it. (IMPOSSIBLE). That he was wearing a forensic suit to enter the house of someone who had apparently overdosed in a park on Fentanyl. (ABSURD) That he managed to get contaminated by WDNA despite wearing a forensic suit. (IMPLAUSIBLE).”
According to Maguire’s statement to the local newspaper on May 12, “our client experienced a trauma which had a devastating effect on his family and forced him to leave the job he loved after more than 18 years of loyal service. ‘We hope to come to a resolution very soon with Wiltshire Police so that Mr Bailey and his family can continue the process of healing and move forwards with their lives.’ Mr Bailey left Wiltshire Police after 18 years in October last year after making three attempts to go back to work.”
Maguire’s involvement with Bailey isn’t the first shake of the Novichok money-tree he has attempted. Last September he represented a bid by Charles Rowley to obtain a million-pound compensation for his involvement in the alleged Novichok poisoning in June 2018 with his partner, Dawn Sturgess. “Mr Rowley – who lost his girlfriend Dawn Sturgess and was in a coma for two weeks – has hired top injury lawyer Patrick Maguire. Mr Rowley said: ‘This has affected my life in a huge way. I want justice.’” Maguire was replaced as solicitor in that case by other lawyers, as reported here.
Last December Sarah Bailey had tweeted: “Compensation package? injury on duty pay out? Nick retired 7 weeks ago and he’s still fighting for part of his pension… he’s been medically retired!” The tweet and twitter account have subsequently been removed. A medical disability payout for Wiltshire police is about £100,000; a lump sum death grant is less .Maguire has not revealed how much money he is seeking for Bailey; it is believed to be more than twice the amount Rowley was claiming last year — over £2 million.
So far there has been no attempt by Maguire to provide medical evidence of Bailey’s trauma. It is unclear whether it’s the psychosomatic damage of the fabrications his Wiltshire police colleagues suspect he has been rewarded for telling with a big new house, new car, and a fresh set of furniture; or the neurological condition of Bailey’s brain and nervous system recorded in the intensive-care ward, the cause of which the Porton Down laboratory failed to identify with precision.
Following the May 12 press report Maguire was asked by email “if you would provide the High Court statement of claim you have filed for Nick Bailey.” He replied through his spokesman Davies, repeating the earlier handout to the other newspapers. Davies runs a firm called Sugar PR in Manchester, which describes itself as an “award-winning bunch of brilliant PR, digital and content marketers just gagging to work for you.” In the Manchester dialect, gagging does not mean puking.

Peter Davies is at extreme left. Source: https://sugarpr.co.uk/team-info/
“For now, the only public statement we are making,” Davies emailed, “is as a follows: Patrick Maguire, partner at national law firm Horwich Cohen Coghlan, who is representing Mr Bailey, said: ‘It has been a challenging three years for everyone affected by the events of March 2018. Our client experienced a trauma which had a devastating effect on his family and forced him to leave the job he loved after more than eighteen years of loyal service. We hope to come to a resolution very soon with Wiltshire Police so that Mr Bailey and his family can continue the process of healing and move forward with their lives.’ ENDS John, please be assured that I have added you to my list of priority media contacts – and will give you more information as the matter develops. I hope this is helpful enough at this stage.”

In reply, Davies and Maguire were asked to substantiate what they had filed in court, if anything. “If you don’t, or can’t, it will be clear what you are all doing, won’t it?” Davies has not answered.
The Guardian has also reported being briefed by Maguire and Davies. The newspaper has employed Luke Harding, the reporter most psychosomatically damaged by the Novichok story so far. A fellow reporter noted from his anonymous, passive-tense source which may be Maguire: “It is understood that Bailey’s legal team served a ‘letter before action’ to Wiltshire police about a year ago but is still waiting to hear whether the force accepts liability. Bailey’s lawyers are planning to serve the full particulars of the claim to the high court this summer if there is no resolution.”
In other words, there is no statement of claim in the High Court yet. And there won’t be if this shaking of the Novichok money-tree produces fruit, and quickly. According to the British weather clock, it’s only eleven days before summer comes in.
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